Coaching Application

Thank you for your interest in our advanced coaching program!

Fill out all the information below, and Bill will get back to you soon to talk about your future in the real estate investing business.

First and Last Name*



If you were fully trained as a real estate investor, what would it be like (please explain)?*

Seriously, what is the main reason holding you back from learning to invest in real estate??*

If you could design a coaching package to learn real estate, what would it look like?*

What would you consider your skilll level with technology (using a computer and smart phone)? Please pick one.*

What is the MAIN thing you would expect a mentor to help you with?*

What barriers do you feel your mentor could help you remove so you can be successful?*

What barriers do you feel your mentor could help you remove so you can be successful?*

How long have you been trying to learn the subject of real estate investing (please explain)?*

Do you have a partner or others that are helping you with real estate investing (please explain)?*

List the real estate investing materials you have bought. If you haven't bought any please put N/A.*

List the materials you have bought and actually studied (explain how it went).*

Have you ever been in a real estate investing coaching program in the past?*

If yes, explain who, when, and what happened... (If no write N/A)*

What are some of your best qualities and personal traits. . . Why do you believe you would be an asset to this mentor group?*

And last, I'd like to know "why now"?*

Is there any thing else would you like to communicate?*
