Flipping Houses For Rookies Podcast Episode #258 Rehab Then Retail (known as flipping) Deal With Some Wholesaling In There – Fully Summarized!
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Even though flipping houses truly means buying and selling real estate for profit. In today’s language, “flipping houses” has a slang meaning of: buying ugly houses … rehabbing them, then, sell them as pretty houses. And, if you listen to most of our podcasts will soon learn flipping pretty houses is much easier, and most often WAY more profitable! But today’s podcast is going to be about those UGLY houses turned pretty by us crazy people whom enjoy the agony of all the hard work involved in this so popular strategy!! Although we plan to drop some very tested & proven secrets learned from hard-earned experience, I don’t plan to teach you this whole deal strategy in one podcast. But instead plan to explain what it is, it’s benefits, plus, why you and the Seller would do this transaction. Even though many have become millionaires by buying the ugliest house in the prettiest neighborhood, then fixing them up as the added value. There are basic formulas most don’t know about. And until learned will cost even the dudes with all the dough a fortune. And if you don’t have warehouses of Benjamin’s ($100 bills), you can’t afford those mistakes. So note pad yourself up, and let’s dig in …
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