Episode #170 10-Reasons To Walk Away From Deals Before You Get Screwed …

By | October 14, 2019

WARNING: This podcast is not for the light hearted or thin skinned investor who has purple colored glasses on. Why you may ask? Most investors fail at the most important task in the business. Yet no one talks about it or even attempts to explain it. They plunge into deals without this one reality and understanding of what is actually happening (especially behind the scenes where it is al hidden). If you are doing deals (or trying to do deals) with this one major blindfold on … well, quite frankly, you aren’t going to make any traction or enough traction to make a difference. In this one episode, you will discover the hidden secrets that you can’t see, and often feel, but didn’t know what it was. Especially if you are taking the seminar presented from the hard knocks university. This podcast is mostly for the faint who aren’t spending money to educate themselves. It will be a true eye-popper.

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