How do you reach out to strangers and get trust, and engaging conversation that ends up with you owning or controlling a house that this stranger owns? Sounds like magic right? Picture this, you strike up a conversation with a stranger, and by the end, they are practically handing you keys to a house. Sound like a fairy tale? In this single episode, we will unravel the enchanting journey of how a genuine connection and the right words can open doors you never imagined. Discover what we do to get our deals that sounds like casual talk. But actually delves into the seller’s life and finds out what they need and want so we can then deliver what the seller yearns for. And make a deal. These practical insights will transform your interactions into tangible results if you follow what we are about to reveal. If you have ever wondered how Legend deals are made, this podcast episode is your gateway into that world of easily making deals. So grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let’s pull the curtain back on this captivating journey together so you can have the power to change your real estate destiny …
Episode #375 How To Convert More Deals Easily In Today’s Economy
In today’s Dynamic real estate market, the ability to convert deals efficiently is heavily intertwined with understanding the human traits behind each deal structure. The key to unlocking more creative and lucrative deals lies in delving deep into the human psyche, exploring the motivations, desires, and needs that drive individuals in their real estate sale. The secrets May reside in the seller’s most common habits. and until now, no one has studied these traits, and actually listed them by deal structure type. it has been discovered by just knowing these listed human behaviors that sellers very often feel like you understand them, and they tend to want to deal with you. and we all know real estate is more than houses in contracts, and more about forming friendships and working together. in a world where everyone seems to be doing the same thing, this helps you stand out from the crowd. but I understand what makes sellers tick, you may discover a new Secret Sauce in getting deals. so push play now, and let’s create your own personal secret recipe to doing more deals..
Episode #374 STOP! Don’t Try To Do Creative Real Estate Until You Reveal These Barriers Today!
Welcome to one of the best podcasts in Creative Real estate. If you are ready for a wild ride into some newly discovered obvious secrets that is holding back about 95% of all real estate entrepreneurs since covid – 19, you are in the exact perfect place right now. This single episode is meticulously crafted to pique your curiosity and provoke your thoughts on why you haven’t done your first deal, or aren’t doing more deals using creative financing, so you can be the person everyone else talks about when it comes to snagging all the good deals in your area. We are going to pull back the curtain to reveal some simple mistakes most are making when trying to land deals today. Plus we are going to do what no one else is doing … and super important! Talk about the tricky world of automation, when it works for you, and when it works against you. So if you are ready to become a real estate Maestro (or very skilled), you can’t afford to miss one second of this podcast. Hit play now, and let’s start the journey together of you becoming a creative real estate wizard!
Episode #373 Mistake-Free Creative Real Estate In Today’s Economy!
Are you paralyzed by fear of making mistakes in your real estate ventures? Do you find yourself hesitating to talk to sellers, make offers, and close deals? Maybe you are worried about making a wrong move in today’s unpredictable economy? Are you the type that scrolls through listings, crunching numbers, but never really do anything with them? If this sounds like you, then you simply can’t afford to miss this episode. Imagine having actual exercises, and Immediate solutions to help you overcome these barriers, so you can act on deals and lose all the fear, anxiety, and stress while actually learning this industry’s secrets. In a world with economic uncertainties, there has never been a more crucial time to arm yourself with the right mental and practical tools than now! “Mistake Free Creative Real Estate In Today’s Economy” is not just a podcast episode, it’s your roadmap to observe real estate fears and succeeding in any economy climate. So are you ready for some confidence … let’s do it!
Episode #372 How To Meet Creative Real Estate Sellers Properly!
In today’s bustling world of real estate where there is so much to learn, and money to make, we tend to forget the basics. In today’s episode we will enter a secret world of how to talk to sellers properly that very few have mastered so you can learn this special art of engaging with Creative Real Estate sellers, and almost become friends with them instantly. Do you ever wonder why some do so many deals, and others struggle with deals? What if you could unlock a treasure Trove of properties just because of some basic skills? Today’s thrilling expedition can almost seem too simple, which is why most forget it, plus don’t do it, and struggle to make more deals. Are you prepared to challenge what you think you know? And today’s status quo? To venture into a world where rules are rewritten? Then brace yourself … this episode is your golden ticket, your secret map, an invitation into a world most don’t get to see. Do you dare to enter? This world is just a play button away for you. Tune in now. And let’s cover the art of talking to sellers properly!
Episode #371 Add Revenue … Reduces Stress!
Are you tired of the constant juggling act between making more money and maintaining your time and sanity? Do you find yourself caught up in the Relentless Rat Race of chasing Revenue at the expense of your well-being, or stress level? In this episode, we are going to explore what most think is too good to be true, or too simple to get the major effects desired. But the truth is … the simple adjustments in your life could redefine both your relationship with money and stress. Plus you will discover opportunities for Revenue you often overlook, and tap into them effortlessly very often. And at this same time you will start myth busting those things trapped in your mind, so you can be free from them. But here is the catch: This isn’t theory. By the end of this podcast episode, you’ll have a concrete action plan that you can start implementing immediately. And I’m talking about real, tangible mind and physical exercises that promise to transform your roadblocks and barriers with ease. Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers … tune in now …
Episode #370 Realtors Beware, They Aren’t Going To Like This New Creative Strategy
What if you could take all of your dead leads, and other investors dead leads and turn them into gargantuan profits? You know those properties when the seller wanted all cash, and often more than it is worth? And I’m talking about a new actionable strategy that novice or Pro can learn and use in less time then it takes to eat Thanksgiving dinner. And, once it gets out it is going to be much like an earthquake shock sweeping across the land causing havoc. Plus,we will leave many in our dust if they don’t get this information quickly. No more are the days of a seller telling you they want all cash, and you hang up with nothing to say. nope! Now we look for these sellers and give them offers they feel stupid saying no to. Can you even imagine doing this? Well, today we plan to peel the curtain back, and let you go backstage and really see what an elite bunch of creative entrepreneurs are doing to crush it with profits today. So if you are ready to catapult into way more deals, and profit, we are ready to reveal this tightly guarded new real estate strategy, and you can’t afford to miss it …
Episode #368 Are You Ignoring Creative Real Estate Normally, But Don’t Want To?
We’ve all been there. The attraction of Creative Real Estate strategies beckons, and promises ways to maximize income and redefine our lifestyle. Yet somehow, we keep pushing it to the back burner, and often it’s the lingering hesitation, the “I’m just not in the mood” feeling after dealing with life. Leaving you convinced you’ll get to it when you have time, but that time never seems to come. In this episode, we will explore the subtle barriers you are up against, and holding you back from diving into the world of Creative Real Estate results that land in your bank account, known as profits. Join us as we unravel the psychology that is probably working against you that you usually don’t know about, yet! So, if you ever felt the pull of Creative Real Estate but found yourself hesitating, or not in the mood to do it, this episode will help you to unravel and discover how you can possibly unstick it, and actually get going, and get some checks!
Episode #367 Is Creative Real Estate Really Legal Today?
Get ready, today we are going to tackle questions which are echoing in the minds of rookie investors, and causing millions of dollars to not be made. In an area where traditional real estate is to be believed as the Realtor system (and a monopoly), rumors fly around that Creative Real Estate is unconventional, and borderline illegal. If you want to hear of triumphs and pitfalls, lessons learned, and unexpected twists and turns that come with venturing into the Creative Real Estate territory, this podcast is perfect for you. Find out if the strategies are the ticking time bomb you really think they are, or not. We will guide you through the legal intricacies of these transactions, so you can personally unravel the mysteries that lie just below the surface, and why others don’t want you to know them. So, if you are ready to challenge the norms, to question the accepted, and embark on a journey of surprise answers, shocking truth, plus inspire you to actually go financially free, then listen now …
Episode #366 Exposing The Real Estate Mafia (Top Secret Too)!
This may be the most interesting real estate podcast you listen to. Plan to hear how we peel back the curtain during this secret investigation, and expose real estate’s most monopolistic nature in today’s society. While we shine the light on this complex network of professionals in every transaction, you will soon see how they closely resemble Mafia traits, all while telling you “their” significant role in your transaction, which, of course, are all lies. And we will challenge the status quo myths with you today, so you can come to your own conclusion about today’s real estate intricate maze that cost endless tens of thousands in common transactions. Join us as we unravel these hidden truths and empower you with the necessary knowledge to cut through all these preconceived notions that are holding most back from doing deals. We guarantee to leave you questioning the flaws, and deception. So tune in, and be prepared to have your mind blown. Don’t miss it!