Episode #125 Checklist to Avoid Dysfunctional Deals That Could Cost You Everything …

By | December 3, 2018

What we are going to share in this podcast might be down right disturbing to some listeners. In fact, there will probably be some that start to listen and shut it off in disgust. Only because they may have lost money on deals and now they realize that if they followed this simple 15-step checklist they would have saved thousands of dollars. If not tens of thousands in loses. Actually I am on a mercy mission today. The big think you should get from this episode is a ‘high earning’ real estate investor has figured out not to be the ‘doe’ of the deal, but instead be the ‘maker’ of the deal. Once you have some (and not much) competence the real money comes from the ‘who’ing’ in each deal. After you learn the ‘who’ing’, you will soon realize it’s just math-not magic. So let me explain …

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