Episode #149 How To Survive Anyone Selling Real Estate

By | May 20, 2019

The biggest and most common mistake any investor makes.. is always on the first contact, why? Because you only have a minute or two for the seller to decide they want to keep giving their attention. And, just like a teenage boy at a Friday night dance (with girls) the seller one has one thing on their mind, your seller doesn’t want to sell yet, nope! Not just yet. What your seller needs before selling is an offer. Why? What if the buyer and seller are not a match? What if the buyer wants to pay $100k for a $200k house? Just like the teenage girls are the party… they won’t stick around to see what’s available. What does this mean to you? You don’t have much time on the initial contact to get your seller interested in the ‘deal’ giving too much away. Listen to this podcast to see how to keep sellers interested and listening to your offer. So let’s get started …

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