Episode #222: Using Auctions To Sell Your Lease Option Real Estate Deals Easily & Quickly!

By | October 12, 2020

Holding houses that don’t sell in 30, 60, 90+ days are what some beginning investors are so afraid of. So much so that they get a rare real estate investor disease called “First-Dealitous.” They are so nervous about making payments on vacant houses, getting stuck with a long term “money-pit,” dealing with long wasted hours & weekends trying to sell, or just the sheer disappointment of losing a deal and living under constant stress that they NEVER do their first deal. Just the thought of these possibilities cause many to come to a grinding halt. When all they need to do is find 3-lease purchase buyers per month with $10,000 or more down to have your own million dollar machine. So what’s the secret to finding and closing these buyers? Answer: The 1hour open house plan that creates a sense of emergency, or lose it feeling with your buyers, so they close quickly and efficiently. This one crazy podcast is going to cover how you can set up, run, and use auctions to sell your lease option deals quickly, and build a HUGE buyers list. And, you will be hard-pressed to get this much information about this for free. So listen carefully …

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