Episode #343 Extraordinary Creative Real Estate Negotiating Shortcut Using Cost To Sell Math!

By | February 27, 2023

You and I both know the hardest part of making deals, is negotiating with the Seller on how much you should pay, without the Seller feeling you are taking too much from them. And, because you worked extra hard to get a Seller’s undivided attention, it is VITAL you know how to make a fair, balanced offer so this Seller keeps giving you their attention and interested in what you have to say. Which means you can’t fly by the seat of your pants in the first 4-5 minutes of talking to a Seller who will pay you handsomely for helping them sell their house. And, after talking to thousands of sellers, we have the perfect formula to get and keep Sellers interested in listening to our fair balanced offer, and often saying yes to our ideas. This one unique podcast is finally revealing the hidden secret we have used to make millions in real estate transactions. And now you can get it all without any restrictions, or tricks. But, you are warned …it is a LOT of information, so take notes. And make sure to listen more than once!!

Right Click and Click “Save As” to Download the Episode!