Episode #346 15-Common & Logical Reasons Creative Real Estate Rookies Fail Miserably!

By | March 20, 2023

Flipping houses has been a fad now for a few years, and many GUUU RUUU’s are on TV, online, in seminars, writing books; all about how to “flip” a house. But if you notice, these same GUUU RUUU’s are starting to change their tune. The newest fad is “Creative Real Estate.” So, the first question is: “What’s the difference?” Then, once we cover that, we will need to cover the 15-Common & Logical Reasons Creative Real Estate Rookies Fail Miserably! And our promise to you today is … to remove some of the myths you may have about how you will make money with real estate the fastest way possible, so you can prove to yourself, and those around you that real estate can be a very viable way to get chunks of cash, passive income, and stuff your retirement accounts quicker than anything else on earth. It is very possible this one episode could remove that ball and chain that is holding your success pinned down, and stealing your freedom, so you can live the way you chose to!


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