Episode #212 Isolating And Removing Fear Quickly So You Can Do Creative Real Estate Deals Effortlessly!

By | August 3, 2020

Creative real estate investing has a tendency to scare many away from great opportunity, and financial independence so much that I needed to take the time to help folks that struggle with more fear than action! This podcast is solely designed to help those folks isolate the fear, then work on how to make it melt away like butter on a Vegas sidewalk at noon. Stop trying to cope with these “unwanted” ghost and get control back so you can set yourself free using real estate. At the end of the day, out natural behaviors will dictate how successful each of us become, or don’t become. So if you find your type of personalty keeps you from building up or mustering up what it takes to make real estate deals so you can increase your income and life, this episode is exactly what the doctor ordered. Just like in the famous movie Ghostbusters, we will hunt down those ghosts and use our secret weapons to make them vanish. So let’s get started …

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