If you think you need a lot of money and good credit, or that you have to be a genius to make money in real estate, FORGET IT!! It just isn’t so. In this podcast you will learn yet another way to convert houses into fast cash, no matter where you live in North America. Regardless if you are flat broke, or you have an advantage because you have no other resources or choice but to learn before you leap. Think of this … most who have money tend to leap before they learn because they have a cushion and dough to bail them out. Then blame their failures on all the wrong targets like the “economy.” So today we are going to give you another tool we don’t talk about much – the Land Contract. Much like my other strategies, this one lesson could take you from the pits to the rits with a couple of deals. But you will need to understand some of the details before you jump in and swallow water because you are in over your head. So wait no more, let’s dig in and talk about this unusual document most don’t know about!