Episode #220: How To Prepare & Sell Property Quickly And Easily!

By | September 28, 2020

It is a well known fact that real estate investors make their money when negotiating, and collect profits when selling. But today’s questions are: Can you prepare the property so it sells quicker, or can it help you get more money? In this podcast we will go through these questions so by the time you finish listening you can figure each deal out on your own. And, hopefully, sell quicker, and make more money. You would be surprised how much sight and appearance controls buyers hearing and motivation. In other words: What they see controls what they think and hear. Plus, we will cover little inexpensive things you can do in any house to attract buyers and create a crave like my grandson in a candy store! Just like we seek motivated sellers, we need to seek motivated buyers … then put those emotions on steroids; so we can close fast. And, it’s way more than just “staging.” This unique podcast will reveal it all so you can do it once you are done listening. So sit back, get comfortable, and let’s begin …

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