Episode #316Is there an actual formula you can use when talking to sellers? Or, should you casually speak to seller’s, so you don’t sound like you are reading a script, and coming off spamy? What if we could teach you the middle ground on today’s podcast?

By | August 15, 2022

Is there an actual formula you can use when talking to sellers? Or, should you casually speak to seller’s, so you don’t sound like you are reading a script, and coming off spamy? What if we could teach you the middle ground on today’s podcast? Think that could increase your wealth, and reduce your time, or effort? This is NOT a podcast about scripts either, or about logical things you say to sellers (and think work). NO! I am talking about some basic under-lying rules you need, so the seller wants to keep communicating to you, and feel like you can really help them. There are no books, courses, seminars, or videos to get about today’s topic. It is “raw” experience I have gained by talking to thousands of sellers, and coaching clients, so this episode could be considered “RARE!” Which is why I expect it to be simple, memorable, inviting, and fun to use when talking about creative real estate to sellers. Yet, put you light years ahead of 99% of all real estate investors!

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