Episode #333 Common Rookie Creative Real Estate “Ignorance Tax” StopsRetirement Early Profits!

By | December 12, 2022

How much ignorance tax are you actually paying by not knowing the craft of making a million dollars per year with Creative Real Estate, cold! If you make $50K per year now, your ignorance tax to life is $950K per year. For not knowing how to find, structure, and profit from Creative real Estate. Choosing to not learn with correct information in front of you is the same as not being able to learn. Or, having a learning disability. And I am not talking about reading a book found in Barnes & Noble that only teach the broad sweeping concepts, not the details you need to get the rate of return you need to pay down your $950K ignorance tax per year. So what has to happen to start paying down this ignorance tax you are being burdened with, especially if you don’t have money now. In this single episode, we are going to talk about how you can pay this tax in full without breaking your bank account, or more important, how you can start today if that’s your desire. And, you can’t find this in a Barnes & Noble book. Only right here and right now is your chance, so listen up.

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