It is amazing how many tout-off … you should turn houses into income. Yet you keep trying, and often can’t quit your regular stream of income because real estate doesn’t provide you the reliable paycheck you need to depend on, which leaves you to believe having a steady income from real estate is a fantasy, or for the “supernatural.” 76% of America lives paycheck to paycheck, and frown on how simple it would be to fire that boss, and never really get started. Why is this? What could you do today to turn your income around, and start building a nest-egg using Creative real Estate strategies. In today’s podcast we are going to cut to the chase, and give you the tools you need to fill your pockets, mattress, bank account, even retirement accounts, so you can buy your life back. And live on your terms! Without having to apologize, or feel you have done nothing but good for this world!
Episode #344 Finding Time To Do Creative Real Estate Deals Effectively!
TICK … TICK … TICK … Can’t find enough time to do Creative Real Estate deals? Even when you know if you did, it would make you financially FREE! You have undoubtedly discovered time is the most precious asset any entrepreneur possesses. Time to solve problems, invent, create, think, and plan. Time to develop your Creative Real Estate marketing, sales, management, training, and profitable breakthroughs. All so you can turn your time into money. And live a better life. You have decided to do something. That takes guts, talent, knowledge. But often struggle with getting it all done. Time! In this profound podcast we are going to give you a perspective, and number one most powerful personal entrepreneurial shift you can ever make to attain your freedom in life. And how to be successful beyond your wildest dreams in life. And you will never find these concepts anywhere else, they are unique to this single podcast episode. So listen carefully, and make sure you listen to the end before you make any decisions on what time is, and how to use it!
Episode #343 Extraordinary Creative Real Estate Negotiating Shortcut Using Cost To Sell Math!
You and I both know the hardest part of making deals, is negotiating with the Seller on how much you should pay, without the Seller feeling you are taking too much from them. And, because you worked extra hard to get a Seller’s undivided attention, it is VITAL you know how to make a fair, balanced offer so this Seller keeps giving you their attention and interested in what you have to say. Which means you can’t fly by the seat of your pants in the first 4-5 minutes of talking to a Seller who will pay you handsomely for helping them sell their house. And, after talking to thousands of sellers, we have the perfect formula to get and keep Sellers interested in listening to our fair balanced offer, and often saying yes to our ideas. This one unique podcast is finally revealing the hidden secret we have used to make millions in real estate transactions. And now you can get it all without any restrictions, or tricks. But, you are warned …it is a LOT of information, so take notes. And make sure to listen more than once!!
Episode #342 New Extraordinary Creative Real Estate Script Results!
Why is it that famous dance pop singer Robyn Rihanna Fenty shut down Twitter for 3-minutes during the 2023 Superbowl Half-Time show? Better question: Why are her songs like “Good Girl Gone Bad,” and “Umbrella” still being sung by millions of fans, even though they were released in 2007. The same with “Rated R” in 2009, “Loud” in 2010, “Talk That Talk” in 2011, “Unapologetic” in 2012. The funny thing about most want-to-be Creative Real Estate investors, is they think they need a formal real estate education to be successful. But the irony is that truly successful Creative Real Estate millionaire’s know that working on what you say to Sellers is not a one time process, and this one developed skill is what made them millions in real estate just like Robyn Rihanna Fently knows the lines to her songs that has sold over 250 million records worldwide, you need to know your lines. And today we are going to cover in detail how to have the perfect things to say without using and old-fashion script, or ridged sentences that the Seller can knock you off in one sentence. So, let’s get started …
Episode #341 How To Easily Remove Stress When Negotiating Gargantuan Real Estate Deals!
Do you have emotional strain when it comes to talking to, or negotiating with, real estate sellers to see if they are willing to do a Creative Transaction with you? Is it possible that this emotional tension is holding you back from becoming a multi-millionaire, or at least becoming financially free? Maybe you have a concern that your Seller is going to have more questions than you have answers for. And your self-confidence soars into the gutter. What if I told you that this fear paralyzes has an easy solution, and you now have the chance to overcome any and all mental, physical, and psychological stress when talking to real estate sellers to negotiate creative finance transactions. You and I both know, the only common denominator among the highly successful real estate entrepreneurs is the mind-set that nothing is more important than time spent directly interacting with prospect sellers. So let’s reveal today’s little secrets and get you comfortable doing this …
Episode #340 The Key Ingredients To Creative Real Estate Results!
Making planning become an actuality is not as simple as most believe when first starting out on any adventure. In fact, the opposite is true … often we end up erecting a monster and get more and more confused. Therefore, to have a real estate activity that is meaningful, useful, and lasting, you have to understand the key ingredients of the activity, then be able to make the planning become an actuality. This is the only way to succeed for your personal reasons, and efforts to create the activity and reap the rewards from it. Getting something like this done is often tricky. Unless you follow along today, we will help guide you on a simple, clear path to getting results that propel your dreams! Because Creative Real Estate is not a well-defined subject, too many get lost and forgotten, and even collapse occurs unless you do what we are about to cover in the next 60-minutes. And you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is, and why it has been so confusing up to now. So make sure you take notes …
Episode #339 What Actually Is Creative Real Estate?
You think you want to do Creative Real Estate. You search it out. Go to REI meetings, watch YouTube videos, follow podcasts like this one (and others). You may even have bought some books, or courses. Been coached. What ever the level you are in the process, you may never have asked yourself … “what actually is Creative Real Estate?” If you are like me (recently) and have Googled it; only to find no good definition. Just a bunch of ads and articles that seem confusing when trying to figure things out, never mind getting results! So, we thought we could help today by going basic basic and make Creative Real Estate crystal clear in your mind, which should help you come out of the fog and see your path to success with a Creative Real Estate understanding and become simple and easy. Especially when it comes to finding deals, then structuring them on your own. You are going to be amazed how much of this one 60-minute podcast is going to assist you and your real estate journey, so you get what you want out of life the way you intended to do!
Episode #338 Creative Real Estate Audit – Why Aren’t You Doing Deals?
The plague of all Creative Real Estate Entrepreneur’s is – why am I not doing deals, or enough deals to sustain my desired lifestyle! To the point that this question is actually mentally harassing you day in and day out. Some have even accepted this existing condition as “inevitable” and toss off the belief they can’t do it, or settle with “that’s life!” Which, of course, is just an overwhelming attitude for most. With feelings of the reality about possibly charting out their own ideal life and achieving it. What if I told you today we are going to show you how to turn this around very easily. Only because the root cause is always a couple of reasons. And once you know them, you can revert to doing amazing deals, often. What if there was a way to audit, inspect, or look over very simple reasons why you are not making deals. Then quickly remedy them. Imagine what that would do for your financial future, and freedom to live your life the way you choose to! We do it all in the next 60-minutes, so tune in now for the full disclosure …
Episode 337 NEW: Rookie System To Negotiate Gargantuan Creative Deals Easily!
Talking to sellers, you are told, is the only way to make Creative Real Estate Deals, so you try, you practice your scripts. Even record your conversations to make adjustments, so you can do better on the next call. But you are still struggling with what to do when, and feel you are still messing things up, and not making deals. Fret no longer … in this single podcast we are going to reveal a new little system that is super easy to learn, with gargantuan results for Rookies or Pros looking to do Creative real Estate deals that produce Money Now, Money Monthly, and Money Later, so you can retire early, or fire your boss! And, if you have not done your first $5K, this is going to be your quantum leap into Creative Real Estate! Why am I so bold and confident about this … because it is a simple step-by-step negotiating tool for anyone to use that sellers love, and say yes to. So make sure you listen a few times, and take notes. This information is only here, nowhere else to date … until someone copies us. Let’s go …
REFRESH Episode #130 Real Estate Investing Goals Are Usually For Losers, Listen Why …
Seems a lot of investors tend to hit a point in their life where they want to throw down the gauntlet and battle attempts of setting goals, pre-arranging plans, and strive to take actions not usually done in the amateur real estate investor’s life. Why? Because for whatever reason, something is not going as desired and the amateur investor “desires” the outcome of this amazing skill of turning houses into income while , being your own boss. Making your own schedule, more family time, donate to church and charities, pay off debt, and maybe plenty of time off. So why do so many not make it? Or, why are there so many who lose at this seemingly easy goal? Listen to this podcast to hear exactly why …