Episode #259 Owner Financing From Sellers, Turning Houses Into ATM Machines & Retirement Plans!

Here is an important fact … you will NEVER become wealthy with real estate! It’s the loans attached to the real estate that makes the biggest millionaire. The largest question you should pose to yourself … is how can I become the bank and make the final decision on whom I loan money to, and who I don’t? Doing this one thing will gain you more life-style flexibility than any other thing known on planet earth. And if you have one little fleeing thought, or curiosity you would like to be financially FREE without debt, big retirement, and a stressless income, this podcast is going to hit home for you! Here, Bill & Pete will show you how getting Seller Financing Deals is like creating your own bank with lots of dough to lend your buyers. Plus, how it can set you up for life just by doing a few of these deals per year. This is NOT a podcast to teach you all the nuts & bolts. But instead, what is Owner Financing, it’s benefits, and why your Sellers plus Buyers would do these deals? But before we start, realize simplicity lasts the longest, and makes the most money!

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Episode #258 Rehab Then Retail (known as flipping) Deal With Some Wholesaling In There – Fully Summarized!

Even though flipping houses truly means buying and selling real estate for profit. In today’s language, “flipping houses” has a slang meaning of: buying ugly houses … rehabbing them, then, sell them as pretty houses. And, if you listen to most of our podcasts will soon learn flipping pretty houses is much easier, and most often WAY more profitable! But today’s podcast is going to be about those UGLY houses turned pretty by us crazy people whom enjoy the agony of all the hard work involved in this so popular strategy!! Although we plan to drop some very tested & proven secrets learned from hard-earned experience, I don’t plan to teach you this whole deal strategy in one podcast. But instead plan to explain what it is, it’s benefits, plus, why you and the Seller would do this transaction. Even though many have become millionaires by buying the ugliest house in the prettiest neighborhood, then fixing them up as the added value. There are basic formulas most don’t know about. And until learned will cost even the dudes with all the dough a fortune. And if you don’t have warehouses of Benjamin’s ($100 bills), you can’t afford those mistakes. So note pad yourself up, and let’s dig in …

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Episode #266 Getting Subject-To The Sellers Underlying Mortgage Deals – Fully Summarized!

Imagine getting bank loans without EVER filling out an application. And in most cases NEVER using a down-payment. Think this is impossible? Just ask a banker: They will say definitely YES! But ask a professional Creative Real Estate Investor … and they will say … those are my favorite deals! In fact, the hidden secret in these transactions are how most politicians do their private deals. And once learned, could be worth millions to you. And be the core strategy for your future wealth. All while acquiring the properties that even a street bum rattling a cup full of change can afford. This podcast in NOT designed to teach you how to do this strategy (we have other extensive training for that, so you do it correctly). But more what is it, it’s benefits, and why you and the Seller do this transaction. This way you can go from being “subject-to” awkward, to becoming completely confident when thinking about, or talking about this type of transaction. Especially when others say you can’t do it because of a “Due-On-Sale” clause with underlying loans. But I am getting ahead of myself, lets dive in and get it all …

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Episode #256 The Golden Goose That Lays The Golden Eggs In Creative Real Estate – Lease Options – Summarized!

So many folks have the dream to replace their current income with real estate, if only to take their life back. Possibly spend more precious moments with family, charities, even loved hobbies. They get introduced to others who have used this safe and high returning asset called real estate. Then decide this is perfect for the type of life-style they dream of. Then, “jump-In,” to only get wicked confused on which strategy best fits their resources, time, education, and most of all passion. This, often, single confusion sends most into a “tail-spin” and ends up without results. Causing upset within their own minds, and not to mention those around the person trying to hit this goal of constant reliable income with few set-backs. Fret no-more! This easy to absorb, healthy information podcast will be the exact compass to get you out of the deep dark forest. Listen up while Bill & Pete share their knowledge and stories on using Lease-Options to set you free once and for all, without capital, risk, and/or a Yale or Harvard 6-year degree. Lets “dig-in” right now …

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Episode #255 Biggest Secret (in plain site) In Real Estate Land – Options – Fully Summarized!

There you are lying in bed, wide awake at night, 3PM and can’t sleep. So you turn on the TV, and there is Carlton Sheets with all of his testimonials selling his real estate course. Then you go to work the next day. At lunch, you are reading your favorite magazine and see Robert Allen’s ad on how to buy real estate “with no money down.” And if you were around back then, when this was happening, thought … this is B.S.! You can’t buy real estate without money? That is impossible, but wait, is it? Nowadays, the saying “buy real estate without money” is completely OVER-RUN! And these weapons of influence no longer represent the riches veins of information. But instead fall on deaf ears. But today … I plan to show you exactly how these genus pioneers brought this idea of buying real estate without money to light. To a point that you will fully understand it, and have a very compelling chance you will want to implement this RISK-FREE *all benefit* strategy to line your pocketbook quickly and extremely effortlessly. More to the point, this one podcast is the pinnacle of ALL creative real estate. Understand this, and ALL the rest will align in your mind positively!

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Episode #254 SLOT (Sandwich Lease Option Transfer) Transactions Fully Summarized!

Who wins the fight when getting real estate sellers to sign a purchase and sales contract, or a real estate option to buy agreement? In this single podcast you will see (clearly, in your own mind) why wholesaling is completely dead! Why option agreement are real estate entrepreneur’s best friend. Why you would do SLOT deals. And the major benefits it brings to the seller, the buyer, and to you … the entrepreneur! I know this is podcast #254, but really should be #1. The reason why is because this podcast is the first in a sequence of seven. I have just recently done a survey to find it is needed and wanted I do short summaries of each of our 7-strategies to acquire real estate creatively, without capital, risk, and a long Long LONG educational runway. In other words: a short-cut to success as a real estate entrepreneur. So lets say the next seven podcasts are going to be your “prerequisite” to making real estate investing work for you? Without all of the hard work and expense. More to the point … footnotes from my 20-years experience and hundreds of deal transactions!

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Episode #253 How To Use Your Real Estate Sellers Motivation To Close Deals Genuinely!

In episode #251​ we uncovered the two main roles that make a successful creative real estate business (or for that fact – any business). And how 97% of all real estate investors don’t do these roles, or blindly do them backwards. Which is like shooting yourself in the foot every 5-minutes. Because of my quest to change the real estate investing industry single-handedly, I am determined to STOP the ramped confusion generated from the lack of operating procedures. So my mission to plow a path, and the most successful journey for real estate success, which is why I keep coming up with these little discoveries like the Jekyll & Hide syndrome. In this part 2 series I plan to clearly isolate the exact duties these two main roles must have to feed off each other. And why it is the only way to expand, or create consistent income from real estate. And if you don’t have it, or do it, will crash the whole endeavor every time! GUARANTEED! So let’s close the door today for all on the incorrect technology floating around in your mind on this subject!

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Episode #252​ The Jekyll & Hyde Effect That Kills Investors – PART #2

In episode #251 we uncovered the two main roles that make a successful creative real estate business (or for that fact – any business). And how 97% of all real estate investors don’t do these roles, or blindly do them backwards. Which is like shooting yourself in the foot every 5-minutes. Because of my quest to change the real estate investing industry single-handedly, I am determined to STOP the ramped confusion generated from the lack of operating procedures. So my mission to plow a path, and the most successful journey for real estate success, which is why I keep coming up with these little discoveries like the Jekyll & Hide syndrome. In this part 2 series I plan to clearly isolate the exact duties these two main roles must have to feed off each other. And why it is the only way to expand, or create consistent income from real estate. And if you don’t have it, or do it, will crash the whole endeavor every time! GUARANTEED! So let’s close the door today for all on the incorrect technology floating around in your mind on this subject!

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Episode #251​ NEW DISCOVERY: The Jekyll & Hyde Effect Kills Creative Real Estate Investors – Revealed!

This one podcast could possibly get you more than you ever wanted from creative real estate than any other thing known to man kind! In fact, I would dare to say … if you are not equipped with what we are about to cover today, your traction for success will inevitably lengthen by LARGE margin. By crystallizing very clearly what we are about to cover, you will definitely maximize your potential, and achieve everything you want from your real estate activity. I would also go as far to say, it will improve any business who applies it! The discovery boils down to the two key roles that make things happen, but completely different from each other, and most investor’s don’t know this internal battle is going on, and, because of this “NOT-KNOW” are doing things backwards. Plus, until you are like Disney, Henry Ford, and Ray Croc with McDonald’s, you will stay small and struggle until you break-through this invisible barrier. So lets take this journey together, so we can discover what you prefer and embrace for success!

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Episode #250​ Why & How Being A Reluctant Creative Real Estate Buyer Excels A Rookies Education Immensely!

Any Rookie looking for quick creative real estate muscle to shorten up their run-way of education, so they can get quicker results, should listen to this very rare and unorthodox’ed podcast to stack the deck in their favor! This unusual strategy is like flipping the game board, and scattering the pieces all over the place. Then while picking up those pieces you have an oracle moment where the ray of light shines down upon you with extreme clarity so from that point forward you never stumble or struggle with playing the game ever again. I am talking … completely OFF THE CHARTS different. Mostly by shearly discovering some of the most basic and innocent seller rules, that when applied is like holding up a treat for an untrained dog … and saying: “come here Fido,” and he comes running! And today we are going to give you these skills, so you can do it tomorrow with ease. So strap your seat-belt on, and let’s take this ride together, and you too can start making deals the way the PRO’s do in the micro-time it takes most to learn how …

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