OVERTHINKERS! So many books have been written about “purpose,” and “why” you want something. But today we plan to shatter this very wide-spread myth. Life is about execution rather than purpose. Actually, purpose comes from your results, not what you imagine. Without action, you will never get anywhere. Maybe taking action is so hard because there isn’t a guide? Maybe, by now, you are thinking: “We already know we need to take action, so why talk about it?” Well, did you ever consider information isn’t what is scarce, but the willingness to do something with it? Which is what the next 60-minutes are all about in this podcast. Google can give you the information, and depression, but maybe you need to err on the side of action? And why action beats the odds, and makes you humble enough in Creative real Estate to become a millionaire, and retire early. Listen to these top 20 excuses, and maybe, just maybe you will get off your fragile butt, and get going!
Episode #325 For Creative Real Estate Rookies Who Want To Learn Profitable Deal Structuring Easily!
Is it possible that a Rookie can survive in today’s turbulent Creative Real Estate world (old) but very common methods of structuring lease options, subject to’s, and seller financing deals that sellers love. Of course, to succeed in these transactions, you must be creative. Which is why today I thought we should talk about some of our recent deals, so our listeners can hear how simple it could be when acquiring properties in these uncomplicated but imaginative ways. While our listeners hear these deal structures today, they will hopefully start to realize how they can easily purchase properties using less of their own money, and allows each to secure more deals. By listening to us today, I expect you can add a few tools in your creative real estate tool belt. And, why a flexible seller often prefers these type of transactions, then a plain ole cash offer. The good news is … since COVID, creative real estate has gone main stream, and more and more sellers understand us. And like our offers. So, get comfortable, and listen to our stories, and learn from them.
Episode #324 Why Creative Real Estate Rookies Are Failing At Getting Deals!
Ever wonder why you hear people like Pete and I talk about all our deals, and you can’t seem to get off the ground with one, or a few deals constantly? Suppose we could show you some simple, basic skills we use with sellers that sell to us. Even more important, what if not making deals is not your fault? What if there (until now) was a HUGE gap in creative real estate that was holding you down, even working against you, causing great and uncomfortable lack of success! Here’s another little thought: What if you listened to this podcast, realized what you can change today, and do a deal next week. Think that would be worth your 60-minutes today going through this obvious hidden secret. Think about it … just like a car is built piece by piece, a mechanic can take it apart piece by piece once he knew how the car was originally built. Today we are going to put a magnifying glass on you and the process so it is so simple you can get a 4th grader to do it with you. Now listen up … things are going to get real very quickly today!
Episode #323: DNA Every Millionaire Creative Real Estate Entrepreneur Has To Succeed!
Forget theoretical advice. What you need to know has to come from experience. If you are looking to author your own story of going from rags to riches, then this podcast is perfect for you. How do you go from very little to earning hug amounts in the dog-eat-dog real estate world with as little ups & downs, or hard knocks as possible. What are the secret formulas that always seem to be just outside of your arm’s length? How do you start dreaming about making tons of income in real estate, to actually making deposits in your bank account regularly? How do millionaire creative real estate entrepreneurs actually do it? Even better, what do they think about, or learn that most don’t know? In this powerful podcast, I plan to disclose some unheard of mental tools you should know and practice to get into the tax bracket most don’t even know exists, until you start carrying your money in dump trucks, you may not know this tax bracket. Strap in, this rocket ride is going to be the most surprising thing you’ve heard in a while.
Episode #322: How Do Creative Real Estate Rookies Easily Find Motivated Sellers!
How does a rookie get a grip, or traction, with creative real estate? Most folks like myself chant: “Talk to motivated sellers, and you will find the low-hanging fruit!” But, how do you do this? Where do you find these “motivated sellers?” I can assume, because you are here, you’re interested in real estate profits, and if you can get one or two deals, then possibly scale it, you can gain a desired lifestyle you can’t seem reach any other way. And this desire is what led you to this podcast today. But it seems this desire keeps taking you down unlikely paths that end with a failed purpose, or some loss. So at this point, any execution is fraught with risk, losing money, the threat of emotional loss, unwanted stress, even fear. In this podcast, we are going to give you simple, and easy things to do, and a checklist, so you can boost your morale, get confidence, and maybe a big phat check, so you can leap into your future where you dream to be with simple tools that keep reproducing like the rabbits that live in my backyard!
Episode #321: Creative Real Estate Meets Probate Deals!
Until today, you might have considered probate a very lucrative business. But a strategy that needs capital, or available cash only because probate courts most often just want money now so they can actually close the estate. Maybe you have some misconceptions, or confusions about how probate works, and just don’t pursue it because of that. Realize, most people often have an opinion about something they don’t know anything about. Which is why you should listen today, and perhaps clear-up the basics on how to find these deals (the way no one else does). Plus, how to finance them, then how to sell them often without rehabbing them, so you can make Money Now, Money Monthly, and Money Later, while not being a landlord, or anything like it. By listening to this 60-minute podcast … you will soon see probate properties are usually discounted type sales, but when probate meets creative you will soon see buying at these discounts, and selling over market value is a millionaire secret most won’t put over airwaves like this one …
Episode #320 Do You Dare To Be Rich With Creative Real Estate Deals – Are You Doing This …
All too often, we convince ourselves that massive success requires massive action. Whether it is losing weight, building a business, or just looking for a good Creative Real Estate transaction! We put too much pressure on ourselves to make some earth-shattering improvement that everyone will notice, and talk about. Or, make you feel fulfilled, even happy. But … what if I told you this attitude is like shooting yourself in the foot, and causing you to bleed to death when it comes to Creative Real Estate? Here is another thought … what if you could make a simple “mind-set” change? Think about it, it is possible you could be rich from Creative Real Estate in a year from now! Then, get a load of this … in the next 60-minutes, I plan to guide you through some simple exercises that could walk you from pits to the ritz. Now, naturally, you need to do the work. But what if the work became a whole lot simpler, easier, and way more fun? Think that would be different? And that’s just for starters, knowing this stuff is what made me buy millions of dollars of real estate recently. And now, I am going to share it with you!
Episode #319 A Surprising & Obvious New Discovery On What Keeps Rookies Poor In Creative Real Estate
A STRANGE STORY: A lobster when left high and dry among the rocks has not the instinct, nor energy, to work his way back to the sea. But waits for the sea to come to him. He remains where he is, and dies, even though the slightest effort would enable him to reach the sea waves, and bring him back to life, which perhaps is mostly only feet away from life or death. I tell this story today because I feel too many Rookies are like this lobster, and waiting for the deal to come to them. Or, perhaps only a foot or two away from having real success. In this simple podcast, we are going to talk about what most Rookies do instinctively to KILL themselves, and how to prevent it. Even turn things around, so it all works, and freedom increases. The world of Rookie Lobsters getting killed on the rocks, ends today! I plan to get each one back to the amazing sea of life where each can flourish and prosper as much or as little as they want to in the next 60-minutes.
Episode #318 Don’t Reinvent The wheel Great Creative Real Estate Deals Leave Highly Profitable Clues!
Most don’t know this in real estate, but your job is not to buy houses, or even concentrate on real estate. Your job is to know your Seller so well that you understand their situation they are in right now, where they’d like to be, and exactly how your solutions can and will get them to their ideal scene. The less you are immersed in the mindset of your Seller, the less Creative Real Estate deals you will do. So, how do you become a Real Estate Profiler? Where you would use a specific kind of methodology to get inside the heads of your Seller. So you know exactly what they’re thinking, what deal they want to do, and what to say for them to move forward. Think of this like how certain law enforcement agencies “profile” and get inside the heads, and psychology of serial killers, terrorists, and other criminal master minds. And I figured if it works for getting to know bad guys, why not use this talent to quickly understand Seller’s without getting a 6-year Pysc major. After listening to this podcast today, our hopes are you will quickly be able to evaluate and profile your Seller’s needs & wants!
Episode #317 Three Word Formulas Every Creative Real Estate Investor Needs Today.
In today’s dog-eat-dog Creative Real Estate game, it is critical to know every problem, question, roadblock, and result your seller is encountering during the process. Because if you don’t understand them, you won’t be able to use these formulas that could make you a millionaire, possibly in the next twelve months. Which, by the way, could be one of the most historical times to do Creative real estate. The word formulas we are about to divulge in today’s podcast will be the best and simplest strategy you will ever encounter in real estate. Here is why … if you have not listened to this podcast, you will not know them. Which means if you do listen you will know them, and be the only one you know with these secret weapons, and closing way more deals! In other words: they work. And I only know this because I have personally seen them put sellers through the mental process that sets them up to do business with you, and only you. If you are looking to ignite a fire with sellers to use your Creative Real Estate methods, this episode is absolutely perfect for you!