Is there an actual formula you can use when talking to sellers? Or, should you casually speak to seller’s, so you don’t sound like you are reading a script, and coming off spamy? What if we could teach you the middle ground on today’s podcast? Think that could increase your wealth, and reduce your time, or effort? This is NOT a podcast about scripts either, or about logical things you say to sellers (and think work). NO! I am talking about some basic under-lying rules you need, so the seller wants to keep communicating to you, and feel like you can really help them. There are no books, courses, seminars, or videos to get about today’s topic. It is “raw” experience I have gained by talking to thousands of sellers, and coaching clients, so this episode could be considered “RARE!” Which is why I expect it to be simple, memorable, inviting, and fun to use when talking about creative real estate to sellers. Yet, put you light years ahead of 99% of all real estate investors!
Episode #315 Comprehensive Look At Self-Directed IRA’s To Purchase Profitable Real Estate Deals
Self-directed IRA’s aren’t the easiest thing to understand, but once you’ve taken the time to go over some of the common questions that most don’t know, you’ll be able to use this amazing tool to purchase more real estate, and drive more profit into your bank account from these amazing, yet easy to do deals. On this single podcast, we have a professional certified IRA custodian and specialist that will help us clear up and answer the exact questions we need answers to, so we can become a PRO at using this retirement capital to start funding our deals. Your financial future can be unlocked with this one strategy that most don’t know, or use when buying real estate deals. With self-directed IRA’s you are able to fund tangible assets like raw land, single family houses, multi-family properties, commercial deals, mobile homes, and any other kind of real estate. Get ahead of the real estate game by having at your finger-tips more money than you will ever need to buy and profit from real estate!
Episode #314 System Secrets That Every Rookie Needs Before Making Offers On Creative Real Estate!
Human Nature … How do we make decisions for business, or just in everyday life? Most want to look smart, make more for less, and know the decision is the best they can do. And if this feeling of confidence is not there, we start to think we are not making the right decision and our instinct tells us to take less action, go do some research, wait a little bit, or even worse … “NO!” And because we are in the real estate business, we are often dealing with the largest asset most folks have, which elevates the pressure on the decision by 10 to 100 fold. Your job therefore is to understand and acknowledge the reality of human nature, along with the needs & wants of sellers. But how do you get the truth about how someone feels about your Creative Real Estate offers without faking you out, misleading you, or even canceling you from their life. In this podcast, we are going to show you our system secrets on making offers, so you can short-cut your income by knowing exactly what your seller wants, then giving it to them profitably. When you are done with us today, you will make ’em offers they can’t refuse!
Episode #113 Creative Real Estate System Secrets For FAST Rookie Gargantuan Profits!
You are probably listening to this podcast today because you are either unhappy with your current income source, or disappointed in the lack of real estate profits you now receive. Today’s podcast could be the single most important secret you could ever learn about creative real estate profits. And if you listen and think you already know it, with lower income than you desire … well, all I can say is the first barrier to learning is thinking you already know it, so if that is you don’t listen today! THIS IS NOT FOR YOU! This one obvious secret system is the root of all success for gargantuan profits on Creative Real Estate to date. Grasping it without thinking you already know it is the single difference between success and failure. How do I know this? Even we lose sight of what we are about to cover, and watch my profits go down, and struggle. So if you want to get out of your “RUT,” and be ready for one of the best markets to hit our country, this one episode is a must!
Episode #312 Are You Losing Deals In Creative Real Estate Because You Are Not Using The Valuable #3 Correctly?
The magic number three. Three little pigs. Three wise men. Goldilocks ang her three bowls of porridge. Three branches of the United States government: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Today we are going to talk about the reason for this, and, why you will fail if you don’t play along with these universe natural, and basic laws. The Greek philosopher Pythagoras believed the number three was considered the perfect number. The number of harmony, wisdom, and understanding. It is also the number for time: Past, present, and future. Life itself: Birth, growth, and death. In this philosophical podcast, you will soon see how your creative real estate career could change with a slight view-point shift by using the rules of three. Stick with us on this strange creative real estate episode, and you will soon be linked to hope and optimism, with a look at a brighter future and wisdom you may just need in today’s very chaotic arena. Let the power of three be with you!
Episode #311 Is Creative Real Estate Scary Or Actually Dangerous?
Seems so many first time Creative Real Estate Entrepreneurs find themselves contemplating leaving the safety of what they think they know to be safe, and what they think they know as unsafe. For some, the gap can look like a canyon, or worse, a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm that will suck their hard-earned money, or if one minor mistake is made, have a life sentence to this one deal screw-up! Which makes crossing this chasm look like the scariest, or most dangerous thing anyone can do. What if you could learn in the next 60-minutes the difference between scary and dangerous in Create Real Estate. And how you can deal with each of them, so you start raking in some dough like so many of those stories you have heard just before dropping a load of coins to learn these Creative Finance type of deals. Today, we are going to help you get even with those painful experiences, without walking off a cliff!
Episode #310 Why Scripts Oddy Lose Deals In Creative Real Estate; With Extraordinary Results!
Almost everyone I know does not like to call Seller’s and talk to these strangers about Creative Real Estate! The sheer thought of what to say, then the resistance of your proposed offer, is like a slow brutal death to most. In fact, most view this as “not human like” activity, and convince themselves they are not the “Salesman” like personality and drift off into the world of virtual assistance to overcome this unliked resistance from Sellers. What if we told you within the next 60-minutes how you could actually throw-away any, and all of your scripts, know exactly what to say, how to say it, and make it so you can’t wait to make your next call? What do you think would happen to your future freedom and financial wealth if you all of a sudden handled this fear and hatred for talking to stranger sellers because of this one podcast? In fact, not only will you know exactly what to say, you will know how to structure deals because of your results over the next few days of trying …
Episode #309 Prioritizing Rookie Activity To Make More Deals & Retire Earlier!
As the saying goes: “We all have the same 24-hours in a day.” Although this is cliché and more annoying than helpful – it is true! How does someone like me do deals part-time while running two other businesses, much like a rookie having a JOB? A better question is: “If we can’t create more time out of thin air, how can we easily get more efficient?” Which brings us to today’s podcast … why prioritizing your tasks is the only way out of the trap to freedom. Knowing what you should be working on and when you should be doing it will only increase your production, your results, and your moral, so you keep that burning passion you started with. By listening to this one episode, you will soon realize it is not the work you are doing, but instead how you prioritize the activity, so it acts like a snowball rolling down a hill … getting bigger and bigger as it goes. Like Confucius says” “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Today will clarify how even the longest and most confused journey have a starting point.
Episode #308 How To Hit Financial Targets Using Creative Real Estate With Confidence and Certainty!
Do you actually know the #1 reason people don’t get what they want? Or, how they can thrive in a turbulent economy (like now)? Why do you create financial targets (or objectives) and not reach them with confidence and certainty? If our success is measured from our results, why are we falling short with the destination we need or want? More important, how do you handle “set-backs” when on your journey for specific out-comes you desire that don’t go as planned? In this unique podcast, we will talk about how you can accept any challenge, and come out a winner with an accomplishment that more than satisfies your need & wants with confidence. Eliminate procrastination and loss and embrace your dreams to a full done. And is not as hard as you imagine, no matter how difficult it was in the past. The great news is, you still have time, and this single conversation will help take the “ball and chain” off your failures, and lunge you forward to preferred benefits and consistency using Creative Real Estate transactions, so you can live a new powerful life as you wish it to be!