Episode #9 Thinking VS Doing

In this episode Bill & Pete go over in detail the exact thing you need to cover when talking to a seller so they say “yes” when you are done. This is the core part of the business that many do not share. Only because it could get very complex. In this podcast Bill breaks it down so things become very simple to understand so you too can start making presentations (offers) that will be excepted.

You must know this stuff to do any kind of house flipping at all. Having these basics are at the foundation of any successful investor’s career. But like I said, no body teaches it. Go through these simple procedures and you too will start learning how to get your BIG chunks of income.

Brush the data off in this podcast and you will notice your investing career will rolly coaster. You know what I am talking about “up” one month, “down” the next. Or maybe you never get it off the ground and receive the very first check. Then start to feel like all of those naysayers are correct and this business doesn’t work. That is the worse thing that can happen to anyone. Only because many that get through these basic barriers end up making TONS in money.

So take the time to go though this podcast and get on the road to success very easily!

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Episode #8 – Getting Sellers To Say Yes To Your Offers

How do you get offers accepted? After making hundreds (maybe thousands) of offers, Bill goes over some of his best tactics on getting deals. After buying and selling over 100 houses in Connecticut, Bill has a few tips & tricks up his sleeve, and you are going to want to write these down.

Think about it, what is the main difference between Bill and you. It is just the words you speak. See if you chose “rich” words, you to will become real estate “rich.” Know what questions to ask when is a huge portion of the process in acquiring property.

Some think the best way yo find houses is on the MLS. Well there it doesn’t matter how you talk to the sellers. They are banks, or institutions. These are the worst deals on the market. And the hardest to do, believe me.

But, if you start dealing with the owner’s directly you will get slamming deals you thought were impossible. However, you need to know how to delicately make these offers so you do not piss off the seller. This podcast will help you with this.

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Episode #7 – My Private Money Secret

Here Bill and Pete share some of the most hidden secrets in the industry. Where to get private money when doing deals. And it is not what you think, I promise. In fact you will be completely surprised how much this is not a barrier like you may believe it is. Most new investors let this one ‘secret’ stop them from getting into action almost every time. Bill goes over some stuff he has never really revealed in the past. You are going to love this one!

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Episode #6: Five Steps Of Real Estate Success

Did you know there is an actual formula on how to talk to sellers so they will say yes to your offers?

Any successful real estate investor knows the ONLY way to make BIG CHUNKS of cash to pay down debt, add to retirement, pay off student loans, give to charity, or just simply buy a car or go on vacation is to MAKE OFFERS!

Quite simply put, if you are not making offers – you are NOT in the real estate business. Point blank! You have to make offers as the first step to any deal. If you follow my system on http://flippinghouses.club you will know exactly how to get motivated sellers calling you, and which one of the main 7 offers you should give.

But here is the thing: I teach folks how to do the mathematical process so the offers are fair and logical. Except there is one huge problem. Human beings don’t always use logic. In fact when it come to making decisions most use their ‘feelings’ or their gut to make the decision.

So if you are out of the arena of logic when making the deals, what is the formula to follow so you can stay in tune with the sellers ‘feelings’? Tough question for most, until you learn these five steps to success on getting sellers to say yes to the offer(s) you are presenting!

This podcast is dedicated to finding the magic of the deal so you can actually be on the same page as the seller and add a dynamic offer that motivates the prospect into a client. It truly is something everyone should learn and know how to do.

After all, some of the highest paid people on planet earth are actors or actresses, right? Why, because they practice what to say and how to say it. Imagine if Tom Cruise or John Wayne could not present his lines when it was most needed and wanted?

Well, quite frankly, not many of us would buy the tickets to watch, right? Do you think this is any different than your prospect staying interested in you and what you can do for them? Take a second and let that digest!

Listen to this podcast to get on the road to successful offers being excepted!

I am here to help, and good luck!

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Episode #5: How To Get Started With Real Estate Investing Quick!

Best Thing I Can Do To Make You Believe This Really Works – Is To Get You A BIG Check Quickly,
Then You Will Believe Me!

After helping many new investor’s to get going, the one thing that glues most to the industry is getting profit checks, right? Even though I have everything you need at http://flippinghouses.club this podcast will guide you onto the right path for success.

Only because I will assist you in how to find and get motivated sellers to start calling you so you can make offers. One thing I learned a long time ago is:

Have the sellers chase you – you don’t chase them!

Once you get this simple concept, then learn how to set it up that way, your investing career will take off like a rocket going into outer space – I promise!

See, my career busted at the seems once I made this decision. No more chasing MLS listings, or hunting down ugly houses that one million (exaggerating of course) are putting bids on. I mean how much over what you want to pay can you go to ‘win’ the bid?

It is actually frustrating to spend so much time chasing these ‘SUSPECTS’ that are actually called TIME VAMPIRES! Here these dream stealers are just looking to stomp all over your future. I mean, just because these losers couldn’t make it in the industry, doesn’t mean they should be allowed to take away your passion!

So just figure out how to have prospects calling you instead of chasing these ‘SUSPECTS’ all the time. In this podcast we go over where you can find motivated ‘PROSPECTS’ to make offers to. This way I know you will find a few of those deals that will bring the BIG CHUNKS of cash so you could pay down debt, add to retirement, pay off student loans, give to charity, or heck, just go on vacation or buy a car!

Then once I get you to see the ‘light’ of having prospects chasing you, we can move onto the next step. So make sure you listen to this episode and take as many notes as possible. The the next episodes I have in store for you will take you along the sequence for success!

Thanks for following us, and please make sure you subscribe to the channel!

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Episode #4: Questions To Ask Sellers So You Know They Are Motivated!

Now that the advertising and marketing starts to work you will have sellers calling you trying to sell you their house. This is a VITAL process most don’t understand. Here is why . . . my marketing brings in about 30% to 40% rate of return. Simply put – mail 100 letters and get between 30 to 40 phone calls. Mail 10 letters and get 3 to 4 phone calls. It’s magical. However, not every caller is MOTIVATED (A Prospect)! So how do you figure this out before the NON-MOTIVATED (Suspects)? Well, on this podcast Pete (The Rookie) and I go over how we do it in detail. In fact, we have one form that we use to show us if it is a good deal or not. And, how you can get a copy of it. Hint: http://flippinghouses.club. So this episode is a must listen to for any investor, whether new or experienced!

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Episode #3: Marketing Your Way To Success

In this episode Bill reveals to Pete (The Rookie) some very unusual ways to do marketing so that motivated sellers call you. It has been found from doing hundreds of calls that if you speak to too many non-motivated sellers they will steal your dreams and suck the life out of your hopes to buy a property. In this podcast Bill & Pete cover how to per-screen these time vampires out so you vet out the real flexible sellers who want to hear your offers and actually consider them. After all, you only need one of them to say yes to actually make a $10K, $20K, $30K or more of a profit. Note: The recording has some static in it about half way through. The information is too valuable for us not to share it with you. So please excuse the distractions.

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Episode #2: The Difference Between Conventional & Creative Real Estate

In this podcast Bill the Deal Maker and Pete the Rookie go over the major difference between conventional real estate and creative real estate. And why you should use more creative real estate when buying and selling houses. Bill The Deal Maker goes over how and why he got into this very profitable business, and why he has succeeded for over 10 years. When you here these stories you too will have e better clue on how you to can buy real estate without using your money or credit!

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Episode #1: Buy a House Without Bank Qualifying

Discover the secret methods I’m using to earn massive piles of cash By “flipping houses” without using my own money or credit! This method works in ANY economy, in any geographic location, and can be done by anyone, regardless of their credit or finances.

Can You Really Earn A Six Figure Income?

Is it possible to earn a six-figure income on a part time schedule? Find out what my students and I are doing without using our own money or credit to flip real estate!

If you are looking to increase your income, or just simply take in huge extra chunks of cash, without working 80 hours per week, you are in the right place.

What you will discover here and nowhere else on the Internet is a systematic and simple training system that anyone can implement to make money investing in real estate. I make it easy for you to learn and will even let you look over-my-shoulder, as I show you the steps to start flipping houses successfully.

Just imagine yourself as a successful real estate investor: flipping houses, paying off chucks of debt, putting your kids through college while quickly building a retirement nest egg, and still having time to travel because you’re living life on your own terms.

Is This Really Just All B.S.?

You might be thinking this is all B.S. – just another make money scheme. But if you pass on this information and miss this opportunity, you’ll most likely be stuck working a job, with little or no hope of getting ahead, or getting out of debt, never having the chance to put the kids through college, or adequately fund your retirement account.

Ask me how I know all of this . . . been there done that! But I learned how to get out of that rut and have the lifestyle most people only dream about.

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Welcome to Flipping Houses for Rookies!

Flipping Houses for Rookies is a podcast that focuses on all the important factors that you need to do to flip houses and get into the real estate investing business! You can listen to all of the podcasts below or to the right. You can also find them on iTunes (button to the right to subscribe!), Google Play, or any of the major podcasting services!

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