So you have figured out how to find leads. Even overcome your fear of talking to sellers on the phone. You have tried scripts, and even your own ideas of what to say, but aren’t really getting deals, or spending too long on the calls. Maybe think you have a deal, then the seller ghosts you. Or, you feel you don’t get the right information while on the first contact call, and have to call back. You might even sense you are talking too much, or past the point of where the seller is already to say “YES.” Point is: if you are not rich (or where you want to be with real estate) it has to be what you are doing on these call of gathering information, and solving problems that sellers will pay you handsomely with their equity and cashflow. So we need to know how to quickly get our information, yet leave the seller with the warm and fuzzy’s. In this one podcast episode, we are going to give you 30-years of practice in one 60-minute span, so you can completely shortcut your success in getting deals.
Episode #335 Why We Always Make Huge Profits On Our Creative Real Estate Deals!
Ever wonder how you can get behind the scene with us to see how we do things, so you can do it too? More to the point … how do we actually do the deals we talk about, and make huge profits – on every deal, so we don’t need to do a quantity of deals to make a lot of money. Maybe you wonder how do all these deals without making mistakes, or perhaps you believe it is our experience that you don’t have that keeps us safe? What if I told you you could listen to this single 60-minute podcast, and know everything we do, so you can do it too. In fact, once we take you behind the scene, you are going to be disappointed, mostly because it is too simple, without all the levers and buttons you think we have. See, the biggest obstacle most have is the main rule about creative real estate: “It is not something you learn, it’s something you do!” But because it has money involved, most get cold feet on the “DO!” But today we are going to show you a guaranteed way to stay safe, and make TON’s of dough!
Episode #334 How Does Today’s Inflation Affect Creative Real Estate Deal Victory?
Since COVID we have heard about broken or clogged supply chains, lack of raw materials, worker shortages, rising oil and gas prices, a war with Russia and Ukraine, increases with grocery cost, car cost, and even a shortage of diapers. Today, in this podcast, we are going to talk about how inflation works, and how it has impacted the housing market, along with creative real estate. Plus, we will chat about a lot about whether you should buy, or wait? Then, we will discuss how all of this will collide with rentals, or apartments. As creative real estate investors, we need to have a good predict of how inflation impacts the market, buying or selling. As with any financial decision, it’s important to keep your guard up for any, and all, economic risks. However, smart planning, like in this podcast, will keep you secure against any major risk, or economic fall-out. If you just follow along, you will soon see how plain and simple it can be. Plus, we will reveal the best investment to seek during these turbulent times. And how they work for you, not against you!
Episode #333 Common Rookie Creative Real Estate “Ignorance Tax” StopsRetirement Early Profits!
How much ignorance tax are you actually paying by not knowing the craft of making a million dollars per year with Creative Real Estate, cold! If you make $50K per year now, your ignorance tax to life is $950K per year. For not knowing how to find, structure, and profit from Creative real Estate. Choosing to not learn with correct information in front of you is the same as not being able to learn. Or, having a learning disability. And I am not talking about reading a book found in Barnes & Noble that only teach the broad sweeping concepts, not the details you need to get the rate of return you need to pay down your $950K ignorance tax per year. So what has to happen to start paying down this ignorance tax you are being burdened with, especially if you don’t have money now. In this single episode, we are going to talk about how you can pay this tax in full without breaking your bank account, or more important, how you can start today if that’s your desire. And, you can’t find this in a Barnes & Noble book. Only right here and right now is your chance, so listen up.
Episode #332 Creative Real Estate Secret Shortcuts For Gargantuan Profits Rapidly!
We hear: Inflation is up, economy is going to crash, mortgage interest rates are up, and expect to get into the double digits soon. And you think … what if I buy a house, and the market crashes, which is causing you to not hunt for deals, or worse, stop thinking real estate can help you retire early. This exact podcast is designed to show you how to prevent the stomach butterflies and actually do deals within the next 30-days, so you can put a check into your pocket, and for most … finally prove to everyone who doubted you, that you did it! How would that feel? A big check to help get out of debt, help kids, parents, the homeless. Maybe afford a luxury vacation, without guilt. Take some time off. Or, fly somewhere you always wanted to go. What this podcast means to you is … you’ll have the ability to find and chose a deal that suits you, and be able to close on it. Which also means you won’t get stuck with nightmare deals that could wipe you out later on, without knowing it until it’s too late. Here we go …
Episode #331 How To Actually Retire Early Using Creative Real Estate!
Is it actually possible to retire early and wealthy without a care in the world? So you can pick up and fly wherever you want? Laugh at social security because you see retirement fund balances that easily supports your lifestyle? A point in life where you have freedom to enjoy life? Not lack of responsibility, like being on vacation, but true freedom to author your own life’s destiny? Maybe it is you wanting to spend more time with loved ones? Play more golf? Spend more time at church, or with charities? Point is, you wake up in the morning with total financial peace, so you can do what you want, when you want, without any restrictions. This podcast is to help those who are suffering from not being able to retire early. And how to overcome the agony and stress of trying to figure it out using creative real estate. Use this 15-point checklist to get you from point zero, to hero without actually disrupting the life you already live, until you get everything in place to retire early!
Episode #330 How To Plan Your Creative Real Estate Activity To Suit You Comfortably!
TICK … TICK …. TICK … can’t find enough time to do real estate? Possibly this is the truth of why you haven’t found a real estate deal that would contribute to your MONEY NOW, MONEY MONTHLY, and MONEY LATER, so you can retire early? Perhaps make an extra $3K, $5K, $10K per month to do as you please with it? Even allow you to give to charity, spend time with family, take vacations, and never really worry about paying for it all, or how much time you spend doing your favorite thing on planet earth. Maybe you see this all as a dream, and not touchable, or, don’t believe: “How you can turn time into money?” Without a 9-5 JOB! But instead use less time to convert your knowledge, talent, even personality into money. Maybe there is something working against you, and don’t know it? Almost as if it were invisible. But 100% counter-intention that causes counter-production, and, as I said, you don’t even know it – YET!! Until you listen to this single podcast, you may NEVER know. Which means you may never fix it, and get everything you want out of life while working less!
Episode #329 Genius And Simple Creative Real Estate Offer Theory Exclusively Revealed!
Why is it that when learning Creative Real Estate, it is so hard to wrap your mind around what offer to make to what seller, with what situation? And, it seems like everyone has their own way of doing it. Which ones are tight, and which ones are wrong? And, why do you have to do deals to find out who is correct, and who is not? What if you don’t want to take the risk to figure it out? How the heck do you get out of learning mode, and into doing a deal mode safely, so you can make some money, and start building freedom, so you have more time to do deals. What if you were not taught the entire offer formula, and how to use it like the big players. In this single podcast, you are going to finally see what the Creative Real Estate “Players” are not telling you unless you go behind the curtain of $20K to $30K coaching. I promise you will be surprised how simple, but fundamentally important when making Creative real Estate offers that get accepted by sellers. I promise, you have never heard this before. So make sure to listen all the way to the end.
Episode #328 Three Great Rookie Conflicts In Creative Real Estate Today!
In a perfect world, Creative Real Estate would be a dream. You would have deals, Sellers would be nice, and life would be fair. But in today’s turbulent world on the heals of a two year highest ever real estate price hike, to now 10% inflation and 4% mortgage rate hike in the past 4-months, things can seem like a nightmare. With government officials fighting each other, country wide disasters, makes it feel like one big bag of bad luck for you and I. Truth is … fortunes like Walt Disney, Costco, Standard Oil, Linkedin, and Microsoft all developed out of depressing times. So telling yourself “the conditions aren’t right” could cripple you. In this 60-minute podcast, we will be covering the three great conflicts every Rookie deals with when trying to get started. And where you should focus, so you can resolve these three major conflicts, so your value is hunted by many, and make you wealthy, retire early, and get your life back!
Episode #327 Rookie Deal Structuring Ideas …
Are you worried about how to determine the value of an investment property? Or, what is the best real estate investment strategy is for you? Maybe it’s how do you find a profitable investment property? Perhaps you think you can’t begin investing in real estate without money? Or, you might think you need a Realtor license, which cost thousands? Are you worried how you can learn about creative real estate? Or, worse, have been studying it for weeks, months, tears, maybe decades and have not done a deal yet? Or, got lucky and did one or two deals, but the economy changed, and now you can’t master the consistency of regular monthly income, so you can fire your boss, or stop making your money with something you don’t like to do? In the next 60-minutes we plan to “dumb down” how you can get going, or be constant, so you can start to get those real estate goals you urine for all the time. Plus, by the sheer simplicity you will accidentally get highly motivated and possibly do a deal within the next 30-days just to prove it to yourself, this whole creative real estate thing is a perfect way to FREE your up your LIFE!