“Weasel Clauses” or “Contingency Clauses” in real estate have had entire mounds of books written about how to escape a transaction as soon as you feel it is uncomfortable. Which means these carefully worded paragraphs allow you to void contracts at the drop of a hat. While all of this is really clever, and considered customary. Here’s what I do … NOTHING!!! That’s right, I use none of it. Only because I have found this type of language just KILLS deals! While other buyers are using their “weasel clauses” I have my own special ways of protecting myself so if I don’t want a deal, I can get out of it. But I do it without the Seller ever getting spooked. In fact, once they see what I have done, they very often are glad and relived all at the same time! I know this sounds dangerous, but once you listen to this single podcast … your chest will puff up. And you will start making offers like you are a super-hero. Without fear, anxiety, and even sleepless night’s.
Episode #276 Extraordinary Development To Unlock Creative Real Estate Deals!
During every negotiation with real estate Seller’s, you always have this gnawing question of: “Is the seller going to sell to me?” Or, and this is incorrect, you think: “What can I do to convince this Seller to do this deal?” Maybe you are like me (Bill), and think: “Are they ready to sell to me yet?” Well, in today’s unexpected podcast, we are going to take the guessing game out of this process. This extraordinary development will soon be the creative real estate industry standard for making deals. You will be the first to hear it and use it. I totally expect this to take much of the exhausting, and stress out of finding and closing deals from now on! No matter the Seller’s situation, these four conditions exist, and once you figure them out … the deal either opens up like the flood gates, or you simply move on without wasting time and resources. In other words: It’s how you quickly get to the Seller’s distinct need & want, evaluate if you can produce what is needed & wanted, then move forward, or bail out. It truly is incredible. So take notes …
Episode #275 Zero Down Rookie Creative Real Estate Deals To Study!
What if I told you today you can make quantum leaps, or minimally giant steps with real estate investing, by listening to this one podcast? You would probably think I am like all the rest … hyping you, maybe exaggerating, and not telling you the whole truth, right? This is one of my biggest barriers in my life. Getting others to understand the mind-set that assumes success comes one small step at a time is wrong and unfortunately a huge misconception, especially in real estate investing. And is clearly reflected in the way most people function and got through finding sellers to close creative real estate deals. More important … if you don’t do what we talk about in this one and only novel podcast, quite frankly … you will work harder and harder, and hold yourself against the success you so desire. This is what I call “success-erosion.” Which is really you working against your own beliefs and opinions, instead of just “DOING” what other accomplished folks have done to get to the top. Let’s get into this, so you can move rapidly on getting your check and freedom too …
Episode #274 7-Key Ingredients To Keep You From Losing Money In A Down Economy!
So many talk about how easy it is to buy houses without capital, or risk. But few talk about what you should do if the economy takes a turn for the worse! Especially when it threatens not only the money, but your freedom too. I know I have spouted in the past … fortunes are created from chaos, and I still subscribe to that. When everyone is running and hiding, I tend to do more business. Why? And how? … Is what this isolated podcast is all about. And, if I can do it – SO CAN YOU! One of the take-aways you should get by listening today is: There is NO bad time to get into real estate. You just need to know your market, and the current strategies to apply in that environment, so you are protected and winning! Once you have this clear picture … the threat comfortably turns to joy and excitement. Then into a fortune. But the correct mindset is key to these rough times. So let’s go to work on this today …
Episode #273 DEAL STRUCTURING: Unraveling What To Do In Each Deal Simply!
Do what we are about to talk about in this podcast … and you can get a BIG check in days, not months or years! The best part about this is: You only lose money in real estate if you put money into it. And today we are going to convince you 100% that real estate is made to take money out off it, not put money in. And if you aren’t getting deals with equity the day you buy, this podcast is perfect for you! Plus, it can be done anywhere in North America, from your home, working part-time with full-time income, without risk or any investment. And if this sounds cliché … Imagine you’re doing this and helping as many people as possible sell a house they normally couldn’t sell, while also helping buyers who normally couldn’t buy a house, buy one. All while you make your living, hitting your goals. You get to decide whether you choose the easy way, or the hard way. This episode will reveal how the Pareto rule of 80% of your success (or income) comes from 20% of what you do. So let’s find out what that 20% is today …
Episode #272 Six-Core Achievements & Influential Roles In Creative Real Estate To Be!
Believe it or not … every creative real estate entrepreneur goes through status roles, or class roles, and positions that are created by a mixture of your inner thoughts plus the environment you are in. And until now have not been identified, or classified for clarity. Which has made this ladder of success difficult for most. Only because so many enter into real estate entrepreneurship without a map for their desires, needs, and cravings. Therefore, the recognition of the order of magnitude, or work that has to be done, is often miscalculated. And failure runs ramped. After today’s podcast … you will be able to spot the “role” you want to be; and have others see you as being! And once in the desired role, the fulfillment and satisfaction supersedes all the money and material possessions. So get ready for the performance accomplishment categories, so you can find where you are now, and where you can go in the future. With a journey to fulfillment.
Episode #271 How To Buy A House Virtually Without Physically Seeing It!
If you are having trouble as an investor finding deals in your backyard, then it’s time to expand your farm market. In this unique podcast, we are going to speak to another student of mine who is out of the country and buys property in the good ole US of A, without physically seeing the properties. When it comes to real estate deal hunting, time and money counts a lot. The faster you can find motivated Sellers and get on the phones with them, the faster you can CASH those profit checks! If you are asking, how? Then you are in the right spot at the correct time. It will seem a LOT simpler once you hear some of the experience of my guest speaker today. And this will make it much easier than you think. Actually, you will soon see the process is not much different than doing deals in your backyard. And by listening today, you will see exactly where it is different, and how to teak that part of the deal, so you don’t make horrifying mistakes that cost you everything. More important, unless you tell your Sellers, done this way, they will never know you don’t live there!
Episode #270 How This Guest Student Buys Houses In America From Another Country (virtually)!
To most, it sounds almost too good to be true: investing in real estate remotely, or virtually, making thousands or having money now, money monthly, money later. And all from the comfort of your own home. How, or, is this possible? Pre-COVID, the United States saw about 4.7 million Americans working remotely. After COVID, experts are saying this has increased by 40%. More important to you and I as real estate investors, our Sellers were lunged 5-years in advance with using technology during the 2020 national lock-down. This means most are now willing to do Zoom type calls. Show houses on FaceTime, and do closings using the web with notaries and virtual legal beagles. We have even figured out how to get boots on the ground to do some of those humanoid tasks that need a live person. Listen closely to my guest speaker’s experience today to hear how she lives in another country, and buying houses in America – virtually! Which opens the door for you on always doing bidness in America in an emerging market. Let’s get into is now …
Episode #269 Where Do You Find High-Quality Prospects, And How Do You Talk To Them Smoothly!
When infamous bank robber Willy Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he replied, “because that’s where the money is.” Way too many novice and pro’s spend WAY too much effort, human capital, and money to find and talk to a motivated seller whom would love to hear your creative offers. Even worse, if these novice or pro investors do run across a motivated prospect, what do they say; without having a nervous break-down if it’s their first time? Listen to this special podcast and learn how to NOT use the shotgun approach to finding the right prospect for you, but instead use the rifle approach with absolute precision. Done this way, it takes about 80% to 90% of the work out of finding the deals. And also removes all the butterflies of talking to these prospects. When we are done today, finding prospects is like a kid looking to make money on a snowy day shoveling driveways, you will be able to easily look and see which driveway is shoveled, and which is not, so you can make some dough easily!
Episode #268 How To Get A Real Estate Deal This Week Easily!
Creative real estate is a tall promise for most, until they see the math in use. In fact, once you see all of the opportunities possible when being creative in your deals, it often paralyzes most with overwhelm. But today, I am going to clear that FOG with a simple plan that can and will get you a deal this week. My certainty on this comes from the many students before you who have followed this formula, and it worked just as I have explained. In fact, in many cases better than explained. The only reason the success is so high is because of the simplicity and the step-by-step format. Is it only natural, us humans learn in a gradient style that builds upon on each step as we do it. And in this episode I plan to go over the few steps you need to make and get a deal done, and that profit check in your spending little paws. Make sure you listen carefully, and take notes. You’re not going to want to miss anything …